Hey its been so long i havent seen u yea!like seriously i do missed u a lot teacher!miss the way tht we used to gossip-in each other,shared our problem together,the way tht u made me laughed!dammit!imiss u!!its almost 3week i havent seen u my lovely teacher,and for sure theres a lot of stories tht i wnt to tell u.perhaps i know u too hve a lot of stories tht u wnt to share wth me rite?haha.so i just meet u in the morning at school.i just miss u way too much thts why im being kinda excited to see u,and u was like smiling and laughing seeing my jokes.i know theres no other thing tht can make me happy other than seeing u smiling all the time.so till here,thanks u teacher.thanks for being the best ever teacher tht i ever had!i love u sooo much!
Salam, ♥